Thursday 2 July 2015

" -How long is it gonna take to get my car fixed , John ?
-Come back tomorrow Sir
-Okay "

John walked all the way back from the garage where he works,back to his messy house,to his poor life,where he has to face the ugly truth.

* Cell Phone Rings* 
"-Hello John
-Oh hey Pamela how are you ? 
-I'm Fine ,how about you ? 
-Pretty good I guess..
-So,wanna hangout tonight ? 
-No I'm sorry I can't 
-Is it because of cash?
-Umm, Yea maybe.. 
-Come on don't worry about it John I'll Pay
-Okay okay I'll pick you up at seven"

(at the restaurant)
Pamela :What's wrong?You look really tired...
John: I'm really sick of all that has been going on with me,work,money,I even don't have money to afford a car .. you know,Since my father died and I had to leave school so I can work and afford for my brother's school .. Now it's all turning back on me .. 
Pamela : You know you can tell me whenever you need money .. 
John : And you know what I think about taking free money from people .. 
Pamela : But I'm not just " people " , Come on John we've been together for like two years and I think it's time for me to get you some help ..Not just for you but for us .. For our future .. 
After a hard argument that lasted for like 20 minutes between John and Pamela , John was totally convinced that he shouldn't get money from anybody ,what made Pamela a little bit sad..

John woke up,like every morning,brushed his teethes,headed to the closet where he gets to wear his costume,He opened the closet , didn't find his costume,found instead a big black bag...
He was really surprised , carried the bag .. "What the fuck is that ?" .. whispered John.The confused man opened the bag,looked inside it..There it is , 20 million dollars,able to make the poor man ,rich..
John threw the bag on the floor and started repeating " This is not happening , This is not real.."
In a rush , John carried the bag down the stairs , threw it in the back of his car .. and drove so fast to Pamela .. 

John : Pamelaaa !! Pamelaa !!!!
Pamela : Oh my god John it's 6 am , anything wrong ?!
John : I told you I don't need any fucking money !! 
Pamela : Wait wait what are you talking about ?
John : You left a bag full of money in my closet and took my costume why the fuck would you do that ?
Pamela : John I didn't do anything .. like really if I'm going to give you money I'd give it to you right away..
John ran to his car,opened the back seat and showed Pamela the bag 
John : 20 million dollars , 20 fucking million dollars .. now who the fuck would leave me 20 millions for a costume ??!
Pamela : I...
* Cell Phone Rings * 
John : You can take that I'll wait .. 
Pamela : What do you mean, It's not my phone.. 
John and Pamela stared at the bag .. John opened it .. Realized that the sound of the phone got closer .. He pushed the money away and here it is .. A phone .. 
John : Hello 
Unknown : Hello John..There will be 7 guys heading to you right now .. Stay safe 
John turned around and found 7 guys standing right behind him ..and suddenly .. a punch  was directed to him .. with a sudden reflex John caught his hand , punched him so hard that the guy flew to the ground .. while performing a back flip,he kicked the second in the face , landed on the back of the third and broke his neck ..A gun pointed at John and with a single move John succeeded at emptying his bullets and took the last one of them and smacked it into the fourth's eye .. and while the fifth's running to John .. John kicked the gun towards the runner's face that he fainted .. leaving the last two of them run away with their lives .. 
John and Pamela were too surprised by John's perfect street fighting skills ..And Pamela was too confused either she knows everything about John or not .. 
* Phone Rings again * 
Unknown : Your father's son .. I believe .. 
John : How the hell do you know my father ? 
Unknown : Are you kidding me ? your father worked for me for years ..
John : Who are you and What do you want from me ?!
Unknown : That's how you say Thank you to the person who sent you 20 million ? 
John : You can get your money back but you better leave me the fuck alone 
Unknown : I don't think that's gonna happen ,see john,your journey has just began,and you're gonna carry the money around for awhile .. Get back in the car .. 
John: Go to hell.. 
Unknown : I think ,maybe, a little motivation?.. turn around John .. 
John Turns around , Surprised by the absence of Pamela .
Unknown : Don't worry she's safe , as long as you play by the rules.
John: Listen to me you little prick if you touch her I'm gonna take off your eyes and leave them in your ass 
Unknown: Calm down John, everyone will be safe ..After all, I Just want you to get the life that you deserve..
John:What's the plan ? 

John found himself driving to a Strip Club where he stopped and got a phone call .. 
Unknown : Now get out of the car .. and head to the CAMARO right in the corner , You'll get more details about your next destination in there.
John walked to the CAMARO , opened the door.
Pamela: JOHN !!! 
John : Oh My god ! (HUGS PAMELA SO TIGHT)
John: What happened, where did they take you tell me everything Pamela ! 
Pamela : I don't know John I was blindfolded the whole time, then I heard this sound .. and he told me what we have to do next ...

John drove to his destination.
* Cell phone rings*
Unknown : The man on your left contemplating the sea , see him ?
John : What about him ?
Unknown: Walk to him , and tell him " I am code E21 "
*Hangs up*

John : Hello Sir , the sea looks nice ..
Sir : Yea it always looks this nice ..
John : I am code E21
Sir : Holy Fuck (Pulls gun) , Get on the Fucking ground Now !!
John (Hands Up) : Wait wait wait wait , I've been asked to do that , listen to me just listen please !
Sir : Okay Stand Up and Head to the minivan right there right now ..
John , walked halfway to the minivan , while the " Sir " was walking behind him,pointing the gun at his back,John turned around so fast,caught the gun with one hand and shot him in the leg so fast.
John: Tell me what's E21 Right now !
Sir(Panicked):Experiment 21 ! Experiment 21 !
And before telling any detail , " Sir " got shot in the head from a guy from behind.
the guy : You shouldn't be talking to anyone John...